THERE BACK!!!!!!!!!We always know when its suppose to bring spring here in Magrath .
We are awaken by the sound of a herd of elephants walking around on our roof. A few years ago I thought it was cats chasing birds up there and I would run out and never see the cats. Then I thought it was huge rats running in the attic. Even though we don't have an attic. It kinda freeked me out during the day when I would hear the thud, thud noices again. Finally one day as I went out side and looked up on the roof and......." there they were"...... A pair of Canadian Geese. They have now decided every year to come back to our home and enjoy the beautiful view and build a nest close by. One year the nest was way up in a 100 ft tree. Every year we think the same male and female adorn our roof by sitting on a peak and scouting out the territory. Some days they look like a weather vein (sp)? up there. Its kinda cool but the poop around the yard is big. and their call is annoying as well. Taite has named the the two lovebirds, Stevie and Erckle . We also have a few woodpeckers who love to peck on our metal pipe on the roof. I think they are retarded as they ratatatat. I went out the other day to shoot it with a sling shot. I was afraid I was going to hit the window. So I had to practise a few times and then when I figured it out she was gone. She Hasn't been back for a few days. I hope she got the hint.
I also have a wreath on the front door. It was my mothers wreath and she loved birds. Well I have it on my front door and for the last three years as well I have had a robin build a nest in it. She also lays eggs . They never hatch as she leaves them. The first time she laid I put a rope across the front steps because every time anyone came to the door or I was in the living room it scared her off the nest. She eventually leaves. but still has built three nests there. I take them off as people will borrow my wreath for a wedding or Taite needed the nest for something and then I brought it inside this year as I put a different fall wreath out. I hope she will come back again this year. I haven't seen a robin yet.
Wendy you should have been a writer. It's so cool to have Mother Nature's wildlife around. The only wildlife we have is Foofer a beautiful shy female cat & Woody, a totally mental case of a male cat that will be 1 on April 28. I don't remember Mum's wreath so I guess I'll have to come and visit again. Great blog. Say hi to all,